In this video, we explain the 8 misunderstood stances of...
What do Scrum, Crystal and Kanban have in common? They...
This is basically a 1 day product ownership course compressed...
Kent consistently challenges software engineering dogma, promoting ideas like patterns,...
Découvre Jean-François Zobrist dans cette vidéo ! Ancien patron de...
Experts et praticiens du travail sont unanimes : le travail...
Dans la vidéo "Continuous Delivery VS Scrum : est-ce compatible...
This lively RSA Animate, adapted from Dan Pink's talk at...
Chief Scientific Officer of Cognitive Edge and Director of the...
Join Jennifer as she succinctly introduces us to Cynefin.
La foule peut-elle s'auto-organiser ? Comment apparaissent les leaders ?...
Robin Béraud-sudreau prend l'antenne de Scrum Life pour présenter le...
Deng Xiaoping once described managing the economy as crossing the...
Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn't make sense, but he's...
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