Since Kent Beck wrote the book on TDD in 2002 a lot of words have been dedicated to the subject. But many of them propagated misunderstandings of Kent's original rules... read more →
Vous en avez assez qu’on vous dise de faire des katas. Vous ne voyez pas le rapport avec vos problématiques de tous les jours. Soyons sérieux : on doit délivrer,... read more →
“The only sure thing about forecasts is that they are WRONG” – James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones. Estimates have been the bane of software development projects for decision... read more →
Robin Béraud-sudreau prend l'antenne de Scrum Life pour présenter le livre Accelerate: The Science Behind DevOps. Selon Accelerate, DevOps donne toutes les clés d'une organisation plus performante -- et oui,... read more →
Kent consistently challenges software engineering dogma, promoting ideas like patterns, test-driven development, and Extreme Programming. Currently affiliated with Three Rivers Institute and Gusto, he is the author of many Addison-Wesley... read more →
What is the clean architecture and how you would build one in .NET? Recently Bob Martin has categorized a set of architectures, including hexagonal architecture, onion architecture and screaming architecture... read more →